Avon Pro - Brow Enhancer

To Use: Twist base to activate product. Use light strokes to fill in sparse areas and to define brows.
Twist base … yeah. Like most new Avon products, you have to twist for a while before the product comes out of the reservoir and hits the tip of the applicator. But once it’s there, it’s there.
This gel feels a little cool to the touch once it’s applied. Avon recommended light strokes. So, we (me and my guinea pig – i.e. my mom) tried light strokes and long strokes and heavy strokes etc., etc., etc. Avon’s right (again) … light strokes seem to work the best. Even though the other ways we tried worked just as well.
This is what my mom's eye brows look like BEFORE she used the Avon Pro Brow Enhancer in Dark Brown.
My mom said she thought it looked much more natural than the other eye brow pencils that she has used in the past. As she is getting older, she is looking for more coverage in her eye brows but not as much color. Eye brow pencils are for definition and enhancing. It seems like the Avon Pro – Brow Enhancer doesn’t skimp on the enhancing but it’s not as harsh with the color.
My mom AFTER using the Avon Pro Brow Enhancer (in Dark Brown)
Buy it here (make sure to use my page – if you have to search for an Avon representative you can put in my last name – O’Connell and Massachusetts for the state I’m in) .
Contact me for personal delivery (in the central Worcester area) or email me at BrittaOConnell@gmail.com for a code for free or discounted shipping for Direct Delivery.