Why do I need to change my mascara every three months? I figured it was just a way for the makeup companies to get more money out of me by playing to my fears of gross makeup and stuff actually doing bodily damange. I mean, really, who doesn’t have makeup that’s a year old that they still use on occasion? (And yes, I’ll admit that I have a eye shadow pot that I treasure from Body and Body Works (back when they had their own makeup line in 1998ish) that I still use to this day because I love the color!)
But what’s the deal? Why do I have to buy new mascara so often? From the internet research I could find (which isn’t saying much as I often question the veracity of internet claims), it looks like there has been a trend since 2003 to put “use by” dates on makeup so that we (as consumers) are not opening ourselves up to contamination, infections, and chemical burns (mostly from “natural products” that have gone rancid!)
But basically, this is the motto I subscribe to: if it’s going on my eyelashes or lips (two areas very close to orifices – e.g. my mouth and my eyes) I’m going to replace it when it’s time to replace it!
Here are some signs that your mascara needs replacing:
- If it becomes clumpy
- If it appears flaky and dry
- If you notice a change in its color
- If you notice it has a funky or rancid smell
- If you recently had an eye infection (continuing to use it can lead to further infection and contamination)
- If the mascara in the tube has come into contact with water (water contains bacteria)
So … every 3 months, I purchase new mascara; one that’s best for me.
Wait … what? You don’t know what kind of mascara is best for you?
Avon has a surprise number of mascara types, styles, etc to choose from. Such as: